From Principal's office

Message from the Principal

Education is the continuous pursuit of excellence, individuals, organizations and S.S.R.P.S has always attempted to excel in school education and has directed its initiatives in providing quality education to the students who join the school. The perpetual energy, movement and enthusiasm permeate the ambience at our school.

We are a school with a difference. We value individualism, creativity and innovation and strive to nurture these in our students. Our motto “Believe You Can” is at the heart of everything we do in the school. We witness tremendous changes taking place around the world on account of globalization and accelerated pace of development in science and technology, hence there has risen a need of holistic development of a child so that he is able to take up higher challenges without losing his sensitivity towards society and human beings. With the ushering of the new era, the world has moved into a completely new paradigm in every dimension. The students of today live in a world that is completely different from ours. We believe in this very fundamental change and accordingly, evolve a path for students’ participation.

For us, every child is important and we believe in the axiom that every child is talented. Our mission is to develop this school and its students with integrity, so that as confident citizens they can prove themselves as assets to the nation not as the liabilities. Looking forward for a fruitful association.


M.A(English) B.SC. B.ED.

(Certified science Master U.S.A)